제목 |
저자 |
번호 |
1 |
1517년 종교개혁 이전 루터의 저작에서 나타난 종교개혁적 요소들 |
장성진 | 한신대학교 | 1999 |
[ 270.6092 ㅈ156ㅊ ] |
2 |
1520년 루터의 3대 논문에 나타난 종교개혁사상 |
안기헌 | 목원대학교 | 2002 |
[ 284.11 ㅇ193ㅊ ] |
3 |
(16세기 맥락에서 본) 진정한 칼뱅신학 /리처드 멀러 저 ;이은선 역 |
Muller, Richard A. | 나눔과 섬김 | 2003 |
[ 284.226 M958uㅇ ] |
4 |
16세기 종교개혁과 개혁교회의 유산 /대한예수교장로회 총회교육부 편 |
대한예수교장로회 총회교육부. | 한국장로교출판사 | 2003 |
[ 270.68 ㄷ52ㅅ ] |
5 |
16세기 종교개혁 /로랜드 H. 베인톤 저 ;서영일 역 |
Bainton, Roland H. | 은성 | 1992 |
[ 270.6 B162rㅅ ] |
6 |
16세기 종교개혁 /롤란드 베인턴 저 ;홍치모 ;이훈영 공역 |
Bainton, Roland H. | 크리스챤다이제스트 | 1993 |
[ 270.6 B162rㅎ ] |
7 |
16세기 종교개혁을 통한 사회변혁에 관한 연구 =Studies on Social Transformation through the Reformation in 16th Century |
권순홍 | 칼빈대학교 신학대학원 | 2005 |
[ 270.63 ㄱ529ㅅ ] |
8 |
16세기 종교개혁 이후의 찬송가에 대한 연구 |
김영미 | | |
[ 270.68 ㄱ831ㅅ ] |
9 |
21세기 개혁신학의 과제 |
김영한 | | |
[ 284.23129 ㄱ841ㅇ ] |
10 |
21세기 개혁신학의 방향:이승구 지음 |
이승구 | SFC | 2005 |
[ 284.2312 ㅇ783ㅇ ] |
11 |
21세기와 개혁신학.1,21세기와 개혁사상 /金英漢 著 |
김영한 | 한국장로교출판사 | 1998 |
[ 284.231 ㄱ841ㅇ ] |
12 |
21세기와 개혁신학.2,포스트모더니즘과 개혁신학 /金英漢 著 |
김영한 | 한국장로교출판사 | 1998 |
[ 284.231 ㄱ841ㅇ ] |
13 |
21세기와 개혁신학.3,개혁신학의 현대적 이해 /金英漢 著 |
김영한. | 한국장로교출판사 | 1998 |
[ 284.231 ㄱ841ㅇ ] |
14 |
Aanteekeningen op de Geschiedenis der Nederlandsche Hervormde Kerk |
Ypeij, A. | W. van Bergen en Comp | 1819 |
[ 284.249209 Y85a ] |
15 |
Aanteekeningen op de Geschiedenis der Nederlandsche Hervormde Kerk |
Ypeij, A. | W. van Bergen en Comp | 1822 |
[ 284.249209 Y85a ] |
16 |
Bibliography of Calviniana 1959-1974 |
Kempff, D | I. A. C | 1975 |
[ 284.221 K32b ] |
17 |
bibliography of the works of Peter Martyr Vermigli |
Donnelly, John Patrick, | Sixteenth Century Journal Publishers | c1990 |
[ 284.2162 D685b ] |
18 |
Abraham sacrifiant |
Be<ze, The>odore de, | Droz | 1967 |
[ 284.2151 B574a ] |
19 |
Calvin treasury |
Calvin, Jean, | Westminster/John Knox Press | c1992 |
[ 284.22322 C168ik2 ] |
20 |
commentaries on the book of the prophet Ezekiel |
Calvin, Jean, | W.B. Eerdmans | 1948 |
[ 284.223144 C168c ] |
21 |
commentaries on the book of the prophet Isaiah |
Calvin, Jean, | W.B. Eerdmans | 1948 |
[ 284.223141 C168c ] |
22 |
commentaries on the book of the prophet Jeremiah |
Calvin, Jean, | W.B. Eerdmans | 1948 |
[ 284.223142 C168c ] |
23 |
commentaries on the book of the prophet Jeremiah |
Calvin, Jean, | W.B. Eerdmans | 1948 |
[ 284.223142 C168c ] |
24 |
commentaries on the book of the prophet Jeremiah |
Calvin, Jean, | W.B. Eerdmans | 1948 |
[ 284.223142 C168c ] |
25 |
commentaries on the book of the prophet Jeremiah |
Calvin, Jean, | W.B. Eerdmans | 1948 |
[ 284.223142 C168c ] |
26 |
commentaries on the book of the prophet Jeremiah |
Calvin, Jean, | W.B. Eerdmans | 1948 |
[ 284.223142 C168c ] |
27 |
commentaries on the four last book of Moses arranged in the form of harmony |
Calvin, Jean, | W.B. Eerdmans | 1948 |
[ 284.2231212 C168c ] |
28 |
commentaries on the four last book of Moses arranged in the form of harmony |
Calvin, Jean, | W.B. Eerdmans | 1948 |
[ 284.2231212 C168c ] |
29 |
commentaries on twelve Minor Prophets |
Calvin, Jean, | W.B. Eerdmans | 1948 |
[ 284.223147 C168c ] |
30 |
commentaries on twelve Minor Prophets |
Calvin, Jean, | W.B. Eerdmans | 1948 |
[ 284.2231492 C168c ] |
31 |
commentaries on twelve Minor Prophets |
Calvin, Jean, | W.B. Eerdmans | 1948 |
[ 284.2231495 C168c ] |
32 |
commentaries on twelve Minor Prophets |
Calvin, Jean, | W.B. Eerdmans | 1948 |
[ 284.2231498 C168c ] |
33 |
commentaries on twelve Minor Prophets |
Calvin, Jean, | W.B. Eerdmans | 1948 |
[ 284.2231498 C168c ] |
34 |
commentary on Jeremiah |
Calvin, Jean, | Banner of Truth Trust | 1989 |
[ 284.223142 C168c v.1-5 ] |
35 |
commentary on the Book of Psalms |
Calvin, Jean, | W.B. Eerdmans | 1948 |
[ 284.223132 C168c ] |
36 |
commentary on the Book of Psalms |
Calvin, Jean, | W.B. Eerdmans | 1948 |
[ 284.223132 C168c ] |
37 |
commentary on the Book of Psalms |
Calvin, Jean, | W.B. Eerdmans | 1948 |
[ 284.223132 C168c ] |
38 |
commentary on the Book of Psalms |
Calvin, Jean, | W.B. Eerdmans | 1948 |
[ 284.223132 C168c ] |
39 |
commentary on the First Book of Moses called Genesis |
Calvin, Jean, | W.B. Eerdmans | 1948 |
[ 222.1107 C168c ] |
40 |
commentary on the First Book of Moses called Genesis |
Calvin, Jean, | W.B. Eerdmans | 1948 |
[ 222.1107 C168c ] |
41 |
commentary on the twelve Minor Prophets Hosea |
Calvin, Jean, | W.B. Eerdmans | 1948 |
[ 284.223146 C168c ] |
42 |
companion to Richard Hooker |
Kirby, W. J. Torrance. | Brill | 2008 |
[ 284.219216 K58c ] |
43 |
companion to the Reformation world |
Hsia, R. Po-chia, | Blackwell Pub | 2004 |
[ 270.68 H873c ] |
44 |
comparative study of John Calvin and Theodore Beza on the doctrine of te extent of the atonement |
Archbald, Paul | Westminster Theological Seminary | 1998 |
[ 234.3 A669c ] |
45 |
A comparison of catholic and reformation views of penance with applications to contemporary practices of church discipli |
Wilson, Aaron Glen. | School of Theology and Missions Oral Roberts University | 20061 |
[ 270.63 W746c ] |
46 |
compend of Luther's theology |
Kerr, Hugh T. | Westminster Press | [19-?] |
[ 284.112 K41c ] |
47 |
compend of the institutes of the Christian religion |
Calvin, Jean, | Presbyterian Board of Christian Education | c1939 |
[ 284.2233 C168ik ] |
48 |
A critique of John Calvin's anthropological paradigm :The immortality of the soul and the resurrection of the body |
Chubb, Kevin Houston | Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary | 1990 |
[ 230.42 C559c ] |
49 |
critique of the community's role in the Reformed model of sanctification /Bryan Billard Sims |
Sims, Bryan Billard. | The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary | 2001 |
[ 234.8 S614c ] |
50 |
cry for life:an interpretation of "Calvinism" and Calvin |
Ntoane, Lebakeng Ramotshabi Lekula | Uitgeversmaatschappij J. H. Kok | 1983 |
[ 284.2265 N961c ] |
51 |
Acta capituli Windeshemensis :acta van de kapittsel vergaderingen der congregatie van windesheim |
Woude, S. van der | M. Nijhoff | 1953 |
[ 271.8 W938a ] |
52 |
Acta colloqvii in comitiis imperii Ratisponae habiti |
Bucer, Martin, | [per Vuendelinum Riberiu] | 1542 |
[ 284.2133 B918a ] |
53 |
Actes du Colloque international Erasme, Tours, 1986 |
Colloque international Erasme | Droz | 1990 |
[ 270.6511 E65c ] |
54 |
Adaptations of calvinism in Reformation Europe :essays in honour of Brian G. Armstrong |
Armstrong, Brian G. | Ashgate Pub. Ltd | 2007 |
[ 270.7 A735a ] |
55 |
Addresses delivered at the ...conference |
American Calvinistic Conference. [from old catalog] | Baker Book House [etc.] | c1939 |
[ 284.23126 A512a ] |
56 |
dispute against the English popish ceremonies obtruded on the Church of Scotland :wherein not only our own arguments aga |
Gillespie, George, | Naphtali Press | c1993 |
[ 284.236 G478d ] |
57 |
Ad Litteram :understanding of the plain sense of scripture in the exegesis of Agustine, Calvin, and Barth of of Genesis |
Green-McCreight, Kathryn Emily. | Yale University | 1994 |
[ 222.1106 G814a ] |
58 |
AD Litteram:Understandings of the plain sense of scripture in the exe gesis of augustine, Calvin and Barth of gensis 1-3 |
Greene-Mccreight, Kathryn Emil | Yale University | 1994 |
[ 284.2263 G812a ] |
59 |
Admiration & challenge :Karl Barth's theological relationship with John Calvin |
Chung, Sung-wook, | Peter Lang | c2002 |
[ 284.226 C559a ] |
60 |
Adultery and divorce in Calvin's Geneva |
Kingdon, Robert McCune, | Harvard University Press | 1995 |
[ 284.2264 K54a ] |
61 |
Advertissement contre L'astrologie judiciaire |
Calvin, Jean, | Libr. Droz | 1985 |
[ 284.22324 C168ma ] |
62 |
epistle of Paul The Apostle to the Hebrews and The First and Second Epistles of St. Peter |
Calvin, Jean, | W.B. Eerdmans | 1963 |
[ 284.2231787 C168e ] |
63 |
firm foundation :an aid to interpreting the Heidelberg Catechism |
Olevian, Caspar, | Paternoster Press | c1995 |
[ 284.21923 O45f ] |
64 |
First Epistle of Paul ; The Apostle to the Corinthians |
Calvin, Jean, | W.B. Eerdmans | 1960 |
[ 284.223172 C168f ] |
65 |
After Calvin :studies in the development of a theological tradition |
Muller, Richard A. | Oxford University Press | 2003 |
[ 284.2265 M958a ] |
66 |
harmony of the Gospels Matthew, Mark and Luke |
Calvin, Jean, | W.B. Eerdmans | c1972 |
[ 284.223162 C168h ] |
67 |
harmony of the Gospels Matthew, Mark and Luke |
Calvin, Jean, | W.B. Eerdmans | c1972 |
[ 284.223162 C168h ] |
68 |
harmony of the Gospels Matthew, Mark and Luke |
Calvin, Jean, | W.B. Eerdmans | c1972 |
[ 284.223162 C168h ] |
69 |
Harmony of the Gospels Matthew, Mark and Luke |
Calvin, Jean | William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co | 1995 |
[ 284.223161 C168h ] |
70 |
Harmony of the Gospels Matthew, Mark and Luke |
Calvin, Jean | William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co | 1994 |
[ 284.223161 C168h ] |
71 |
Harmony of the Gospels Matthew, Mark and Luke and the Epistles of James and Jude |
Calvin, Jean | William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co | 1995 |
[ 284.223161 C168h ] |
72 |
A history of biblical interpretation |
Hauser, Alan J. | William B. Eerdmans Pub | c2009 |
[ 220.609 H376h ] |
73 |
history of Lutheranism |
Gritsch, Eric W. | Fortress Press | c2002 |
[ 284.14 G871h ] |
74 |
history of the Christian tradition |
McGonigle, Thomas C., | Paulist Press | c1988-c1996 |
[ 270.6 M478h ] |
75 |
history of the church in the Middle Ages |
Logan, F. Donald. | Routledge | 2002 |
[ 270.3 L831h ] |
76 |
history of the ecumenical movement, 1517-1948 |
Rouse, Ruth. | Published on behalf of the Ecumenical Institute by S.P.C.K | 1954 |
[ 270.61 R863h ] |
77 |
history of the Evangelical and Reformed Church |
Dunn, David, | Pilgrim Press | 1990 |
[ 284.25 H673 ] |
78 |
history of the work of redemption |
Edwards, Jonathan, | Yale University Press | 1989 |
[ 284.2627 E26h ] |
79 |
house divided :the reformed doctrine of the church in the thought of J. Gresham Machen |
Reeves, Russ Patrick. | California State University | 1995 |
[ 262 R332h ] |
80 |
Albert Hardenberg als Theologe :Profil eines Bucer-Schu?lers |
Janse, Wim. | E.J. Brill | 1994 |
[ 284.232 J35a ] |
81 |
Albertus Pighius en zijn stjn strijd met Calvijn over het liberum arbitrium /cdoor Gerard Melles |
Melles, Gerard | Kok | 1973 |
[ 284.2263 M525a ] |
82 |
learned and very vsefvl commentary on the whole Epistle to the Hebrewes.Wherein every word and particle in the originall |
Gouge, William, | Printed by A.M., T.W. and S.G. for J. Kirton | 1655 |
[ 227.87 G691l ] |
83 |
Life of John Calvin :a study in the shaping of Western culture |
McGrath, Alister E., | Blackwell | 1993 |
[ 284.2252 C168m ] |
84 |
Allen and Greenough's New Latin grammar |
Allen, Joseph Henry, | Dover Publications | 2006 |
[ 478.2421 A427a ] |
85 |
Alter Melanchthon :Muster theologischer Autoritatsstiftung bei Matthias Flacius Illyricus |
Waschbusch, Andreas. | Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht | c2008 |
[ 284.122 W312a ] |
86 |
Always among us :images of the poor in Zwingli's Zurich /Lee Palmer Wandel |
Wandel, Lee Palmer. | Cambridge University Press | 1990 |
[ 270.7494 W245a ] |
87 |
Amt und Apostolizität :zur Theologie d. kirchl. Amtes b. Calvin aud d. Hintergrund d. gegenwärtigen ökumen. Diskussio |
Ganoczy, Alexandre. | Steiner | 1975 |
[ 284.23127 G198a ] |
88 |
Anabaptism in outline |
Klaassen, Walter | Herald Press | 1981 |
[ 230.43 K63a ] |
89 |
Anabaptist baptism;a representative study |
Armour, Rollin S. | Wipf and Stock Publishers | [1966] |
[ 284.3 A733a ] |
90 |
absolute sort of certainty" :the Holy Spirit and the apologetics of Jonathan Edwards |
Nichols, Stephen Jeffry. | Westminster Theological Seminary | 2000 |
[ 231.3 N622a ] |
91 |
An akan christian view of salvation from the perspective of John Calvi n's soteriology |
Krong, Abraham Ako | Lutheran School of Theology | 1991 |
[ 284.22625 K93a ] |
92 |
Analysis of the Institutes of the Christian religion of John Calvin |
Battles, Ford Lewis. | Baker Book House | c1980 |
[ 284.2233 B336a ] |
93 |
analysis of Choan-seng Song's Asian theology with a critique from a reformed theological perspective |
Jang, Young Il. | University Microfilms International | 1993 |
[ 284.25 J33a ] URL : |
94 |
answer key to A primer of ecclesiastical Latin :a supplement to the text by John F. Collins |
Dunlap, John R., | Catholic University of America Press | c2006 |
[ 478 D921a ] |
95 |
apology of the Church of England |
Jewel, John, | DoDo Press | 1888 |
[ 284.235 J59a ] |
96 |
Anatomy of reformation :flashes and fragments of a reformational worldview |
Van der Walt, B. J. | Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education | 1991 |
[ 270.63 V242a2 ] |
97 |
Anatomy of reformation :flashes and fragments of a reformed cosmoscope |
Van der Walt, B. J. | Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education | c1981 |
[ 284.2361 V242a ] |
98 |
Andreas Osiander에 대한 John Calvin의 비판과 그 원리들 |
백성욱. | 안양대학교 신학대학원 | 2002 |
[ 284.14 ㅂ698a ] |
99 |
Elaboration of the theology of Calvin |
Gamble, Richard C. | Garland | 1992 |
[ 284.224 C168 ] |
100 |
enlightenment Calvinist :Samuel Hopkins and the pursuit of benevolence /cby Peter Dan Jauhiainen |
Jauhiainen, Peter Dan. | The University of Iowa | 1997 |
[ 285.8092 J41e ] |
101 |
new assessment of John Calvin's eschatology |
Davis, Andrew Martin | Southern Baptist Theological Seminary | 1998 |
[ 236 D261n ] |
102 |
102 examination of Calvin's theory of knowledge in his theology and exegesis /cJohn Joseph Denniston |
John Joseph Dennistion | Fordham University | 1991 |
[ 230.42 D411e ] |
103 |
103 An exploration of sermonic space in the formation of commissioned lay pastors in the presbyterian church(U.S.A ) |
Ikard, Stacy Lynn. | The Aquinas Institute of Theology | 2002 |
[ 284.236 I26e ] |
104 |
104 Anfange der Reformation :der junge Luther, 1483-1521 : der junge Zwingli, 1484-1523 |
Rogge, Joachim. | Evanglische Verlagsanstalt | c1983 |
[ 284.21 R733a ] |
105 |
105 Anfechtung und Trost bei Sigismund Scherertz :ein lutherischer Theologe im Dreissigja?hrigen Krieg |
Bitzel, Alexander. | Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht | c2002 |
[ 284.2324 B624a ] |
106 |
106 introduction to the repormed tradition :a way of being the Christian community |
Leith, John H. | John Knox Press | 1981 |
[ 284.2312 L533i2 ] |
107 |
107 An investigation of factors influencing John Calvin's use of the linguistic and historical principles of biblical exeges |
Newport, John Paul | University University | 1953 |
[ 230.42 T514s ] |
108 |
108 Anticlericalism in late medieval and early modern europe |
Dykema, Peter A. | E. J. Brill | 1994 |
[ 270.61 D996a ] |
109 |
109 Antifraternalism and anticlericalism in the German Reformation :Johann Eberlin von Gunzburg and the campaign against the |
Dipple, Geoffrey. | Scolar Press | c1996 |
[ 270.63 D596a ] |
110 |
110 unexpected journey :discovering Reformed Christianity /cW. Robert Godfrey |
Godfrey, W. Robert. | P&R Publishing | c2004 |
[ 284.2311 G583u ] |
111 |
Apocalyptic writings |
Edwards, Jonathan, | Yale University Press | 1977 |
[ 284.2627 E26a ] |
112 |
A politics of piety :The latent modernity of Calvin's christian philosophy |
Garstka, Daniel | University of Toronto | 2002 |
[ 284.226296 G243p ] |
113 |
Apologia |
| | 1584 |
114 |
primer of ecclesiastical Latin |
Collins, John F., | Catholic University of America Press | 1985 |
[ 477 C712p ] |
115 |
Arbitrary Excommunication :The Reformation Doctrine of Catholic Theol ogians |
Buchanan, Paulette J. | Southern Connecticut State University | 2000 |
[ 270.64 B918a ] |
116 |
Architect of Reformation :an introduction to Heinrich Bullinger, 1504-1575 |
Gordon, Bruce, | Baker Academic | c2004 |
[ 284.2142 G662a ] |
117 |
Archiv fur Reformationsgeschichte |
| Gutersloher Verlagshaus | 1904 |
[ 270.605 A673 ] |
118 |
reader's guide to Calvin's Institutes |
Lane, A. N. S. | Baker Academic | c2009 |
[ 284.231 L265r ] |
119 |
reader's guide to Reformed literature :an annotated bibliography of Reformed theology |
Beeke, Joel R., | Reformation Heritage Books | c1999 |
[ 284.23129 B414r ] |
120 |
re-examination of Calvin's doctrine of Scripure based on reading in his commantary |
Kolk, Justin Vander. | The University of Chicago | 1951 |
[ 230.42 K81r ] |
121 |
reformation debate |
Calvin, Jean, | Baker Book House | 1993, c1966 |
[ 284.22322 C168o ] |
122 |
reformation debate |
Calvin, Jean, | Baker Book House | 1982 |
[ 284.22322 C168r ] |
123 |
Reformation debate :Sadoleto's letter to the genevans and Calvin's reply |
Calvin, John. | Harper & Row | 1966 |
[ 284.22322 C168r ] |
124 |
Reformation Reader :primary texts with introductions |
Janz, Denis R. | Fortress Press | 1999 |
[ 270.6 J35r ] |
125 |
Reformed perspective for a renewal worship for Korean hapdong presbyterian church |
Cho, sung Mo | Ashland Theological Seminary | 1998 |
[ 284.2362 C545r ] URL : |
126 |
reformed understanding of the laity :the role of lay leaders in ministry |
Swanson, George Edgar. | Fuller Theological Seminary | 1994 |
[ 262.15 S972r ] |
127 |
Argula von Grumbach :a woman's voice in the reformation |
Matheson, Peter. | T&T Clark | 1995 |
[ 270.63 M427a ] |
128 |
Arminius |
Bangs, Carl | Abingdon Press | 1971 |
[ 284.24212 B216a ] |
129 |
sacramental paradigm employing the Lord's Supper in Calvin as a theological rationale for spiritual direction |
Wigall, Steve R. | Boston University | 1998 |
[ 264.9 W654s ] |
130 |
Second Epistle of Paul The Apostle to the Corinthians and the epistl to Timothy, Titus and Philemon |
Calvin, Jean, | W.B. Eerdmans | 1964 |
[ 284.223172 C168s ] |
131 |
seed of religion" :a study in the theologies of Calvin and Schleiermacher |
Capetz Paul Edward. | The University of Chicago | 1996 |
[ 230.0440922 C241s ] |
132 |
short explanation of Dr. Martin Luther's small catechism :ba handbook of Christian doctrine |
Luther, Martin, | Concordia Pub. House | 1943 |
[ 284.112 L973s ] |
133 |
short history of Renaissance and Reformation Europe :dances over fire and water |
Zophy, Jonathan W., | Pearson Prentice Hall | 2009 |
[ 270.62 Z88s4 ] |
134 |
short history of the Papacy in the Middle Ages |
Ullmann, Walter, | Routledge | 2003 |
[ 270.5 U41s2 ] |
135 |
As in a mirror :John Calvin and Karl Barth on knowing God : a diptych |
Kooi, Cornelis van der. | Brill | 2005 |
[ 284.2263 K82a ] |
136 |
1Assembly at Westminster :reformed theology in the making /cJohn H. Leith |
Leith, John H. | John Knox Press | 1973 |
[ 284.23721 L533a ] |
137 |
Assurance of faith :Calvin, English Puritanism, and the Dutch Second Reformation |
Beeke, Joel R., | Peter Lang | c1991 |
[ 284.2265 B414a ] |
138 |
A study of John Calvin's understanding of moral obligation and moral norms in ethics |
Gentry, William C. | Southern Methodist University | 1970 |
[ 240.42 G339s ] |
139 |
A Study on calvinist theory of art =칼빈주의 예술론 연구 |
Seo, Seong Rok | Midwest Theological Seminary | 2005 |
[ 284.224 S478s ] |
140 |
Study on the spirituality of John Calvin |
Kim Ji Ho | California Union University | 1998 |
[ 284.2262 K49s ] URL : |
141 |
sure ground on which to stand :the relation of authority and interpretive method in Luther's approach to scripture |
Thompson, Mark D. | Paternoster | 2004 |
[ 284.11 T474s ] |
142 |
A theological assessment of ministry to divorcing members of first uni ted presbyterian church of Dale city, Virginia |
Mcfay den, John Griffin | Princeton Theological Seminary | 1996 |
[ 284.236 M478t ] |
143 |
Theological biography of Hyung Nong Park (1887-1978) |
Chang, Dong Min. | Westminster Theological Seminary | 1998 |
[ 230.51519092 C456t ] |
144 |
theological guide to Calvin's Institutes :essays and analysis |
Hall, David W., | P&R Pub | c2008 |
[ 284.224 H175t ] |
145 |
A Theology of Testment in the Young Luther |
Brill, E.J | E.J.Brill | 1974 |
[ 284.114 H443t ] |
146 |
Attrition and contrition at the council of trent |
Spykman, Cordon J | Image Books | 1959 |
[ 270.64 S772a ] |
147 |
Auctoritas patrum :zur Rezeption der Kirchenva?ter im 15. und 16. Jahrhundert = contributions on the reception of the Ch |
Grane, Leif. | Verlag Philipp von Zabern | 1993 |
[ 270.1072 G756a ] |
148 |
Augustine and Calvin about church and state =acomparison |
Ahn, In Sub | Theologische Universiteit Kampen | 2003 |
[ 284.2263 A286a ] URL : |
149 |
Augustin Handbuch |
Drecoll, Volker Henning. | Mohr Siebeck | c2007 |
[ 270.092 D771a ] |
150 |
Augustinian theology in the Faerie queene |
Schiavoni, James David. | Vanderbilt University | 1992 |
[ 230.14 S329a ] |
151 |
Augustin;Leben und Werk |
Loewenich, Walther von, | Siebenstern Taschenbuch Verlag | [1965] |
[ 270.092 L827a ] |
152 |
Augustinus totus noster :das Augustinversta?ndnis bei Johannes Calvin |
Lange van Ravenswaay, J. Marius J. | Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht | c1990 |
[ 234 L274a ] |
153 |
Auslegung der Evangelien-Harmonie |
Calvin, Jean, | Neukirchener Verlag | 1966 |
[ 284.22361 C168a ] |
154 |
Auslegung der heiligen Schrift |
Calvins, Johannes | Kreis Moers | c1929 |
[ 284.2231 C168a ] |
155 |
Auslegung der heiligen Schrift |
Calvins, Johannes | Kreis Moers | c1929 |
[ 284.2231 C168a ] |
156 |
Auslegung der heiligen Schrift |
Calvins, Johannes | Kreis Moers | c1929 |
[ 284.2231 C168a ] |
157 |
Auslegung der heiligen Schrift |
Calvins, Johannes | Kreis Moers | c1929 |
[ 284.2231 C168a ] |
158 |
Auslegung der heiligen Schrift |
Calvins, Johannes | Kreis Moers | c1929 |
[ 284.2231 C168a ] |
159 |
Auslegung der heiligen Schrift |
Calvins, Johannes | Kreis Moers | c1929 |
[ 284.2231 C168a ] |
160 |
Auslegung der heiligen Schrift |
Calvins, Johannes | Kreis Moers | c1929 |
[ 284.2231 C168a ] |
161 |
Auslegung der heiligen Schrift |
Calvins, Johannes | Kreis Moers | c1929 |
[ 284.2231 C168a ] |
162 |
Auslegung der heiligen Schrift |
Calvins, Johannes | Kreis Moers | c1929 |
[ 284.2231 C168a ] |
163 |
Auslegung der heiligen Schrift |
Calvins, Johannes | Kreis Moers | c1929 |
[ 284.2231 C168a ] |
164 |
Auslegung der heiligen Schrift |
Calvins, Johannes | Kreis Moers | c1929 |
[ 284.2231 C168a ] |
165 |
Auslegung der heiligen Schrift |
Calvins, Johannes | Buchhanglung | c1949 |
[ 284.2231 C168a ] |
166 |
Auslegung der heiligen Schrift |
Calvins, Johannes | Buchhandlung des Erziehungsvereins | c1937 |
[ 284.2231 C168a ] |
167 |
Auslegung der heiligen Schrift |
Calvins, Johannes | Buchhanglung | c1941 |
[ 284.2231 C168a ] |
168 |
Back to basics :rediscovereing the richness of the Reformed faith |
Hagopian, David G., | P&R Pub | c1996 |
[ 284.23126 H145b ] |
169 |
Baptism in the Reformed tradition :a historical and practical theology |
Riggs, John W. | Westminster John Knox Press | c2002 |
[ 284.231271 R596b ] |
170 |
Baptism in the theologies of Horace Bushnell, Charles Hodge, and John W. Nevin |
Earheart-Brown, Daniel J. | | |
[ 230.6 E12b ] |
171 |
Baptism in the theology of Martin Luther |
Trigg, Jonathan D. | Brill Academic Publishers | 2001 |
[ 284.14 T828b ] |
172 |
Baptizing and teaching in the triune name :Conceptual groundwork for a trinitarian practical theology of christian forma |
Mikoski, Gordon S. | Emory University | 2005 |
[ 284.231272 M636b ] |
173 |
Being in Christ :a biblical and systematic investigation in a reformed perspective |
Burger, Hans | Wipf & Stock | 2008 |
[ 284.2361 B954b ] |
174 |
Bekenntnisschriften und kirchenordnungen :Der nach gottes wort reformierten kirche |
Niesel, Wilhelm | Zollikon | c1938 |
[ 284.237 D561d ] |
175 |
Beknopte Gereformeerde dogmatiek |
Genderen, J. van. | Kok | c1992 |
[ 284.2312 G325b ] |
176 |
Belief and practice in Reformation England :a tribute to Patrick Collinson from his students |
Wabuda, Susan. | Ashgate | c1998 |
[ 270.742 W112b ] |
177 |
Belofte boete ballingschap :drie thema's bij Calvijn |
Reuver, A. de, | Uitgeverij j.p. Van Den Tol | 1956 |
[ 284.226296 R448b ] |
178 |
Benjamin B. Warfield :historian of dictrine in defense of oxthodoxy, 1881-1921 |
McClanahan, James Samuel, | Union Theological Seminary | 1988 |
[ 230.51092 M478b ] |
179 |
Benjamin B. Warfield's doctrine of illumination in light of conservative Calvinistic tradition |
Kwok, Man Chee. | Trinity International University | 1995 |
[ 230.044 K98b ] |
180 |
Bern, Geneva, or Rome? The struggle for religious conformity and confessional unity in early Reformation Switzerland |
Bruening, Michael Wilson. | The University of Arizona | 2002 |
[ 270.7494 B889b ] URL : |
181 |
Between orthodoxy and the Enlightenment :Jean-Robert Chouet and the introduction of Cartesian science in the Academy of |
Heyd, Michael. | M. Nijhoff | 1983 c1982 |
[ 284.23321 H615b ] |
182 |
Beyond Calvin :the intellectual, political, and cultural world of Europe's Reformed churches, c. 1540-1620 |
Murdock, Graeme. | Palgrave Macmillan | 2004 |
[ 284.226293 M974b ] |
183 |
Bibelautoritat und Geist der Moderne :d. Bedeutung d. Bibelverstandnisses fur d. geistesgeschichtliche u. politische Ent |
Reventlow, Henning, | Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht | c1980 |
[ 220.60942 R451b ] |
184 |
Bible. 칼빈주의. Com:Studying on Caovin & calvinism/by Kim Jang-Jin.Part one |
김장진 | The Korea theological seminary | 2000 |
[ 284.2311 ㄱ889ㅂ ] |
185 |
Biblia;dat is, De gantsche H. Schrifture, vervattende alle de canonijcke boecken des Ouden en des Nieuwen Testaments ... |
| Gedruckt by de weduwe wylen Paulus van Ravestein | 1661 |
[ 220.53981 B582 ] |
186 |
Biblia :Die gantze Heilige Schrifft :Wittenberg 1545 |
Luther, Martin, | Rogner & Bernhard GmbH | 1545 |
[ 220.531 B582b ] |
187 |
Biblical poetics before humanism and reformation |
Ocker, Christopher. | Cambridge University Press | 2002 |
[ 270.62 O16b ] |
188 |
Biblical scholarship and the church :a sixteenth century crisis of authority |
Jenkins, Allan K., | Ashgate Pub. Ltd | 2007 |
[ 270.6 J52b ] |
189 |
Bibliographia calviniana :calvins werke und ihre ubersetzungen 1850-1992 |
Bihary, Michal. | [s.l.] | 1994 |
[ 284.221 B594b ] |
190 |
Bibliographia Calviniana :Catalogus chronologicus operum Calvini |
Erichson, D. Alfredus | Berolini | 1900 |
[ 284.221 E68b ] |
191 |
Bibliographia molinaei :an alphabetical, chronological, and descriptive bibliography of the works of Pierre Du Moulin (1 |
Armstrong, Brian G. | Droz | 1997 |
[ 270.6514 A735b ] |
192 |
Bibliographia Osiandrica :Bibliographie der gedrucklen schriften Andreas Osianders d.A?. (1496-1552) |
Seebass, Gottfried. | B. De Graaf | 1971 |
[ 270.64 S451b ] |
193 |
Bibliographie |
Bullinger, Heinrich, | Theologischer Verlag | 1982 |
[ 284.2141 B937w ] |
194 |
Bibliographie |
Bullinger, Heinrich, | Theologischer Verlag | 1982 |
[ 284.2141 B937w ] |
195 |
Bibliographie des editions de Jean Crespin (1550-1572) |
Gilmont, Jean-Francois | P.M. Gason | 1981 |
[ 284.219214 C921g ] |
196 |
Bibliographie des editions de Jean Crespin (1550-1572) |
Gilmont, Jean-Francois | P.M. Gason | 1981 |
[ 284.219214 C921g ] |
197 |
Bibliography of Strasbourg imprints, 1480-1599 |
Chrisman, Miriam Usher. | Yale University Press | c1982 |
[ 270.744 C554b ] |
198 |
Bibliography of the continental reformation: materials available in English,by Roland H. Bainton and Eric W. Gritsch |
Bainton, Roland Herbert, | Archon Books | 1972 |
[ 270.6 B162b2 ] |
199 |
Bibliotheca Calviniana les oeuvres de jean calvi publiees au xvi siecle |
Peter Rodolphe. | Libr. Droz | 1996 |
[ 284.221 B582 ] |
200 |
Bibliotheca Calviniana les oeuvres de jean calvi publiees au xvi siecle |
Peter Rodolphe. | Libr. Droz | 1996 |
[ 016.2706 B582 v.2 ] |
201 |
Bibliotheca Calviniana les oeuvres de jean calvi publiees au xvi siecle |
Peter Rodolphe. | Libr. Droz | 1996 |
[ 284.221 B582 ] |
202 |
Bij Calvijn in de leer :een handleiding bij de Institutie |
Spijker, W. van 't. | Den Hertog | c2004 |
[ 284.225393 C168s ] |
203 |
Bildung und Konfession :Theologenausbildung im Zeitalter der Konfessionalisierung |
Selderhuis, H. J., | Mohr Siebeck | c2006 |
[ 284.23712 S464b ] |
204 |
Bonaventure and John calvin :therestoration of the image of god as a mode of spiritual consummation |
You, Hae Young. | Fordham University | 1992 |
[ 284.2263 Y67b ] |
205 |
Bound choice, election, and Wittenberg theological method :from Martin Luther to the Formula of Concord |
Kolb, Robert | William B. Eerdmans Pub | c2005 |
[ 284.114 K81b ] |
206 |
Ahn Myung Jun | University of Pretoria | 1998 |
[ 284.22624 A286b ] URL : |
207 |
Briefwechsel |
Bullinger, Heinrich, | Theologischer Verlag | 1973 |
[ 284.2141 B937w ] |
208 |
Briefwechsel |
Bullinger, Heinrich, | Theologischer Verlag | 1973 |
[ 270.08 B937w v.2(6) ] |
209 |
Briefwechsel |
Bullinger, Heinrich, | Theologischer Verlag | 1973 |
[ 284.2141 B937w ] |
210 |
Briefwechsel |
Bullinger, Heinrich, | Theologischer Verlag | 1973 |
[ 284.2141 B937w ] |
211 |
Briefwechsel |
Bullinger, Heinrich, | Theologischer Verlag | 1983 |
[ 284.2141 B937w ] |
212 |
Briefwechsel |
Bullinger, Heinrich, | Theologischer Verlag | 1982 |
[ 284.2141 B937w ] |
213 |
Briefwechsel |
Bullinger, Heinrich, | Theologischer Verlag | 1973 |
[ 284.2141 B937w ] |
214 |
Briefwechsel :Correspondance |
Bucer, Martin, | E.J. Brill | 2006 |
[ 284.213 B918b ] |
215 |
Briefwechsel Landgraf Philipp's des Grossmuhigen von Hessen mit Bucer |
Lenz, Max | Zeller | 1965 |
[ 284.21311 B918b ] |
216 |
Briefwechsel Landgraf Philipp's des Grossmuhigen von Hessen mit Bucer |
Lenz, Max | Zeller | 1965 |
[ 284.21311 B918b ] |
217 |
Briefwechsel Landgraf Philipp's des Grossmuhigen von Hessen mit Bucer |
Lenz, Max | Zeller | 1965 |
[ 284.21311 B918b ] |
218 |
Briefwechsel Landgraf Philipp's des Grossmuhigen von Hessen mit Bucer |
Lenz, Max | Zeller | 1965 |
[ 284.21311 B918b ] |
219 |
Briefwechsel Landgraf Philipp's des Grossmuhigen von Hessen mit Bucer |
Lenz, Max | Zeller | 1965 |
[ 284.21311 B918b ] |
220 |
Briefwechsel Landgraf Philipp's des Grossmuhigen von Hessen mit Bucer |
Lenz, Max | Zeller | 1965 |
[ 284.21311 B918b ] |
221 |
Briefwisseling van Hugo Grotius |
Grotius, Hugo, | Martinus Nijhoff | 1981 |
[ 284.24 G881b ] |
222 |
Briefwisseling van Hugo Grotius |
Grotius, Hugo, | Van Gorcum | 1986 |
[ 284.24 G881b ] |
223 |
Briefwisseling van Hugo Grotius |
Grotius, Hugo, | Instituut voor Nederlandse Geschiedenis | 1990 |
[ 284.24 G881b ] |
224 |
Briefwisseling van Hugo Grotius |
Grotius, Hugo, | Instituut voor Nederlandse Geschiedenis | 1993 |
[ 284.24 G881b ] |
225 |
Brieve instruction pour armer tous bons fidèles contre les erreurs de la secte commune des anabaptistes |
Calvin, Jean, | Librairie Droz | 2007 |
[ 284.3 C168b ] |
226 |
Bucer und seine Zeit :Forschungsbeitr. u. Bibliographie |
Kroon, Marijn de, | F. Steiner | 1976 |
[ 284.213 K93b ] |
227 |
By faith alone :essays on justification in honor of Gerhard O. Forde |
Forde, Gerhard O. | William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co | c2004 |
[ 270.68 F711b ] |
228 |
By faith alone :the life of Martin Luther |
Kooiman, W. J. | Philosophical Library | c1955 |
[ 284.113 L974kEw ] |
229 |
Calvijn |
Calvin, Jean, | Zuiver en Klaar | [n.d.] |
[ 284.225393 C168p2 ] |
230 |
Calvijn |
Haar, J. Van Der, | N.V. Drukkerij | 1959 |
[ 284.225393 C168h ] |
231 |
Calvijn |
Nauta, D. | W. ten Have | [1941] |
[ 284.225393 C168n ] |
232 |
Calvijn |
Waterink, Jan, | Hollandia | [1944] |
[ 284.225393 C168w ] |
233 |
Calvijn als bedienaar des woords |
Biesterveld, P. | J.H. Bos | 1897 |
[ 284.226261 B589c ] |
234 |
Calvijn als bedienaar des woords |
Biesterveld, P.. | J.H. Bos | 1897 |
[ 284.226261 C168b ] |
235 |
Calvijn als mensch en hervormer |
Doumergue, Emile | N.V. Noekhandel W. Ten Have | 1931 |
[ 284.226 D738c ] |
236 |
Calvijn en calvinisme |
Couvee, H. J | Uitg.-Mij.Broekhoff N.V | [19-?] |
[ 284.2265 C872c ] |
237 |
Calvijn en de Economie |
Diepenhorst, Pieter. Arie. | Vada | 1904 |
[ 284.226294 D562c ] |
238 |
Calvijn en Geneve |
Doumergue, Emile | W.Kirchner | 1907 |
[ 284.225393 C168d ] |
239 |
Calvijn en het Oude Testament |
Greef, W. de | Uitgeverij Ton Bolland | 1984 |
[ 284.22626 G793c ] |
240 |
Calvijn en rousseau :een vergelijkende studie van beider Staatsleer |
Cornelissen, Anthony Joannes Maria, | N.V. Dekker & Van de Vegt en J.W.van Leeuwen | 1931 |
[ 284.2263 C814c ] |
241 |
Calvijn en zijn academie te Geneve :redevoeringen in een publieke zitting van den senaat der vrije universiteit Gehounde |
Nauta, D. | J.H. Kok N.V | 1959 |
[ 284.226295 N314c ] |
242 |
Calvijn, leer en miskenning :over ellende en verlossing |
Verwolf, J. | Uitgeverij Frits Hardeman | [n.d.] |
[ 284.2265 C168v ] |
243 |
Calvijn over het genadeverbond |
Bergh, Willem van den, | W. A. Beschoor | 1879 |
[ 284.226296 B497c ] |
244 |
Calvijn over het genadeverbond |
Bergh, Willem van den, | W. A. Beschoor | 1879 |
[ 284.226296 B497c ] |
245 |
Calvijns beginsel voor de zang in de eredienst, verklaard uit de Heilige Schrift en uit de geschiedenis der kerk :een ke |
Hasper, H., | Stichting Geestelijke Liederen uit den Schat van de Kerk der Eeuwen | 1955-1976 |
[ 284.226281 H352c ] |
246 |
Calvijns betekenis in onze tijd |
Runia, K. | [Potchefstroomse Universiteit vir Christelike Hoe?r Onderwys] Instituut vir Bevordering van Calvinis | 1970 |
[ 284.2252 C168r ] |
247 |
Calvijns invloed op de reformatie in de Nederlanden :voor zooveel die door hemzelven is uitgeoefend |
Rutgers, F.L. | Donner | 1899 |
[ 284.232 R973c ] |
248 |
Calvijn's jeugd :Jongelingsjaren, Omzwervingen, Bekeering, en eerste optreden als reformator |
Doumergue, Emile | W.Kirchner | 1903 |
[ 284.225393 C168d ] |
249 |
Calvijns levenswerk belicht vanuit zijn brieven |
Calvin, Jean, | De Banier | c1986 |
[ 284.2232 C168k ] |
250 |
Calvijns opvatting over de inspiratie der Heilige Schrift /Douwe Johannes de Groot |
Groot, Douwe Johannes de. | N.V. Nauta & Co's Drukkerij | 1931 |
[ 284.22626 G876c ] |
251 |
Calvijn zijn wef en werk |
Dankbaar, W.F. | G.F. Callenbach | 1957 |
[ 284.225393 C168d ] |
252 |
Calvin |
Stroup, George W., | Abingdon Press | c2009 |
[ 284.2252 S925c ] |
253 |
Calvin |
Gordon, Bruce, | Yale University Press | c2009 |
[ 284.2252 C168g ] |
254 |
Calvin |
Mullett, Michael A. | Routledge | 1989 |
[ 284.2252 C168m ] |
255 |
Calvin :a biography |
Cottret, Bernard. | W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co | 2000 |
[ 284.2252 C168c ] |
256 |
Calvin :a brief guide to his life and thought |
Spijker, W. van 't. | Westminster John Knox Press | c2009 |
[ 284.2253 C168s ] |
257 |
Calvin against himself :an inquiry in intellectual history |
Selinger, Suzanne. | Archon Books | 1984 |
[ 284.2252 S465c ] |
258 |
Calvin :a guide for the perplexed |
Helm, Paul. | T & T Clark | c2008 |
[ 284.2252 C168h ] |
259 |
Calvin :a life |
Stickelberger, Emanuel, | The Lutterworth Press | 2002 |
[ 284.225 C168s ] |
260 |
Calvin als mensch,mann der kirche und politiker |
Gutersohn, Ulrich. | Schweizerischer CVJM verlag | 1945 |
[ 284.2252 C168g ] |
261 |
Calvin and Augustine |
Warfield, Benjamin Breckinridge, | Presbyterian and Reformed Pub | 1956 |
[ 284.2263 C168w ] |
262 |
2Calvin and Augustine |
Warfield, Benjamin Breckinridge, | Presbyterian and Reformed Pub | 1956 |
[ 284.2263 C168w ] |
263 |
Calvin and bernard of clairvaux |
Lane, Anthony N.S. | Princeton Theological Seminary | c1996 |
[ 284.2263 L265c ] |
264 |
Calvin and Calvinism: sources of democracy? |
Kingdon, Robert McCune, | Heath | [1970] |
[ 284.2265 K54c ] |
265 |
Calvin and Christian ethics :papers and responses presented at the Fifth Colloquium on Calvin & Calvin Studies sponsored |
Colloquium on Calvin & Calvin Studies | Calvin Studies Society | 1987 |
[ 284.226291 C714c ] |
266 |
Calvin and classical philosophy |
Partee, Charles | E.J.Brill | 1977 |
[ 284.226296 P273c ] |
267 |
Calvin and commerce :the transforming power of Calvinism in market economies |
Hall, David W., | P&R Pub | c2009 |
[ 284.226294 H175c ] |
268 |
Calvin and English Calvinism to 1649 |
Kendall, R. T | Paternoster Press | 1997 |
[ 284.2265 K33c2 ] |
269 |
Calvin and English Calvinism to 1649 |
Kendall, R. T | Oxford University Press | 1979 |
[ 284.2265 K33c ] |
270 |
Calvin and hermeneutics |
Gamble, Richard C. | Garland Pub | 1992 |
[ 284.224 C168 ] |
271 |
Calvin and his times |
Van der Walt, Jansie. | Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education | 1985 |
[ 284.2252 C168v ] |
272 |
Calvin and science |
Gamble, Richard C. | Garland Pub | 1992 |
[ 284.224 C168 ] |
273 |
Calvin and Scottish theology :the doctrine of assurance /by M. Charles Bell |
Bell, M. Charles. | Handsel Press | 1985 |
[ 284.2263 B434c ] |
274 |
Calvin and social welfare :deacons and the Bourse francaise |
Olson, Jeannine E. | Susquehanna University Press | c1989 |
[ 284.226283 O52c ] |
275 |
Calvin and spirituality :papers presented at the 10th Colloquium of the Calvin Studies Society, May 18-20 1995, Calvin t |
Calvin Studies Society. | Published for the Calvin Studies Society by CRC Product Services | 1998 |
[ 284.224 C168L ] |
276 |
Calvin and the Anabaptist Radicals |
Balke, Willem. | Eerdmans | c1981 |
[ 284.2263 C168bh ] |
277 |
Calvin and the Anabaptists :re-examining the theological conflict |
Bergsma Friesen, Lynn. | Conrad Grebel College | 1993 |
[ 234.161 B499c ] |
278 |
Calvin and the atonement |
Peterson, Robert A., | Mentor | c1999 |
[ 284.22625 P485c2 ] |
279 |
Calvin and the Bible |
McKim, Donald K. | Cambridge University Press | 2006 |
[ 284.224 M158c ] |
280 |
Calvin and the Calvinists |
Helm, Paul. | Banner of Truth Trust | c1982 |
[ 284.2265 H478c ] |
281 |
Calvin and the church :papers presented at the 13th Colloquium of the Calvin Studies Society, May 24-26, 2001 : Calvin T |
Calvin Studies Society. | Published for the Calvin Studies Society by CRC Product Services | 2002 |
[ 284.224 C168c ] |
282 |
Calvin and the consolidation of the Genevan Reformation |
Naphy, William G., | Manchester University Press | c1994 |
[ 284.226294 N195c ] |
283 |
Calvin and the duchess |
Barton, Florence Whitfield. | Westminster/J. Knox Press | c1989 |
[ 284.2263 B293c ] |
284 |
Calvin and the federal vision :Calvin's covenant theology in light of contemporary discussion |
Jeon, Jeong Koo. | Resource Publications | c2009 |
[ 284.226296 J54c ] |
285 |
Calvin and the foundations of modern politics |
Hancock, Ralph Cornell | Cornell University Press | 1989 |
[ 284.226293 H235c ] |
286 |
Calvin and the Reformation |
Mackinnon, James, | Russell & Russell | 1962 |
[ 284.224 M158c ] |
287 |
Calvin and the reformation |
Armstrong, William Park, | Baker Book | 1980 |
[ 284.224 A735c ] |
288 |
Calvin and the rhetoric of piety |
Jones, Serene, | Westminster John Knox Press | 1995 |
[ 284.22626 C168j ] |
289 |
Calvin and the Sabbath |
Gaffin, Richard B. | Mentor | c1998 |
[ 284.226296 G131c ] |
290 |
Calvin and the Swiss reformation |
Scott, John, | R. B. Seely and W. Burnside | 1833 |
[ 284.235 S427c ] |
291 |
Calvin :an introduction to his thought |
Parker, T. H. L. | Westminster/John Knox Press | 1995 |
[ 284.2252 C168p ] |
292 |
Calvin as a theologian and Calvinism today |
Warfield, Benjamin Breckinridge, | Evangelical Press | [1969] |
[ 284.2265 W274c ] |
293 |
Calvin, Barth and reformed theology |
Macdonald, Neil B. | Wipf & Stock | c2008 |
[ 284.2264 B827c ] |
294 |
Calvin-Bibliographie, 1901-1959 |
Niesel, Wilhelm. | C. Kaiser | 1961 |
[ 284.221 C168n ] |
295 |
Calvin :Biographie und Theologie |
Spijker, W. van 't. | Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht | c2001 |
[ 284.2253 C168s ] |
296 |
Calvin Commentaries |
Haroutunian, Joseph | The westminster Press | c1992 |
[ 284.22322 H292c ] |
297 |
Calvin, directeur d'ames |
Benoit, Jean-Daniel | Oberlin | c1947 |
[ 284.224 C168b ] |
298 |
Calvin :Erbe und Auftrag : Festschrift fur Wilhelm Heinrich Neuser zum 65. Geburtstag |
Spijker, W. van 't. | Kok Pharos Pub. House | c1991 |
[ 284.224 ] |
299 |
Calvin et la dynamique de la parole :e?tude de rhe?torique re?forme?e |
Millet, Olivier. | Editions Slatkine | 1992 |
[ 284.226261 M653c ] |
300 |
Calvin et Loyola :deux Reformes |
Favre-Dorsaz, Andre | Editions Universitaires | c1951 |
[ 284.2263 C168f ] |
301 |
in et l'éloquence française |
Lefranc, Abel | Librairie Fischbacher | 1934 |
[ 284.22 L495c ] |
302 |
Calvin et ses contemporains :actes du colloque de Paris 1995 |
Millet, Olivier. | Librairie Droz | 1998 |
[ 284.22535 C168m ] |
303 |
Calvin for Armchair Theologians |
Elwood, Christopher. | Westminster John Knox Press | 2002 |
[ 284.2252 C168e ] |
304 |
Calvin, Geneva, and the reformation:a study of Calvin as social refomer, churchman, pastor, and theologian |
Wallace, Ronald S. | Baker Book House | c1990 |
[ 284.226 C168w ] |
305 |
Calvin-Handbuch |
Selderhuis, Herman J. | Mohr Siebeck | 2008 |
[ 284.2253 C168s ] |
306 |
3Calvin heute :Impulse der reformierten Theologie fu?r die Zukunft der Kirche |
Weinrich, Michael. | Neukirchener Verlag | 2009 |
[ 284.23 W424c ] |
307 |
Calvin :his life and times |
Calvin, Jean, | W. Wileman | [n.d.] |
[ 284.2252 C168l4 ] |
308 |
Calvin, homme d'eglise :Oeuvres choisies du reformateur et documents sur les eglises reformes du xvi siecle |
Calvin, Jean, | Editins Labor | [1971] |
[ 284.22324 C168c ] |
309 |
Calviniana :ideas and influence of Jean Calvin |
Schnucker, Robert V. | Sixteenth Century Journal Publishers | c1988 |
[ 284.224 S32c ] |
310 |
Calvin im Kontext der Schweizer Reformation :historische und theologische Beitra@ge zur Calvinforschung |
Opitz, Peter, | TVZ, Theologischer Verlag | 2003 |
[ 270.7494 O61c ] |
311 |
Calvin in Asian Churches |
Lee, Sou-Young | Presbyterian College andTheological Seminary Press; c2008 | |
[ 284.224 L481c ] |
312 |
Calvin in context |
Steinmetz, David Curtis. | Oxford University Press | 1995 |
[ 284.224 C168s ] |
313 |
Calvin in his letters |
Henderson, Henry E. | Wipf and Stock | 1996 |
[ 284.22322 C168h ] |
314 |
Calvin :institutes of the Christian religion |
Calvin, Jean, | Westminster Press | c1960 |
[ 284.2233 C168ib ] |
315 |
Calvin :institutes of the Christian religion |
Calvin, Jean, | Westminster Press | c1960 |
[ 284.2233 C168ib ] |
316 |
Calvin in the public square :liberal democracies, rights, and civil liberties |
Hall, David W., | P & R Pub | c2009 |
[ 284.226293 H175c ] |
317 |
Calvinism |
Dakin, Arthur, | Duckworth | 1941 |
[ 284.2311 D135c ] |
318 |
Calvinism |
Meeter, H. Henry | Zondervan Publishing House | 1939 |
[ 284.2311 M495c ] |
319 |
Calvinism and commonwealth :an attempt to define the reformed tradition f social concern |
Scotchmer, Paul Frederick. | Drew University | 1978 |
[ 261.8 S424c ] |
320 |
Calvinism and culture in America, 1870-1915 |
Smith, Gary Scott. | The Johns Hopkins University | 1980 |
[ 285.773 S648c ] |
321 |
Calvinism and evangelical Arminianism |
Girardeau, John L | Sprinkle Puication | 1983 |
[ 284.2323 G519c ] |
322 |
Calvinism and religious toleration in the Dutch Golden Age /cedited by R. Po-chia Hsia and Henk van Nierop |
Hsia, R. Po-chia, | Cambridge University Press | 2002 |
[ 284.25 H873c ] |
323 |
Calvinism and Scholasticism in Vermigli's doctrine of man and grace |
Donnelly, John Patrick, | Brill | 1976 |
[ 284.231 D685c ] |
324 |
Calvinism and the Amyraut heresy;Protestant scholasticism and humanism in seventeenth-century France |
Armstrong, Brian G. | University of Wisconsin Press | 1969 |
[ 284.23331 A735c ] |
325 |
Calvinism and the capitalist spirit :Max Weber's Protestant ethic |
Poggi, Gianfranco. | University of Massachusetts Press | c1983 |
[ 284.2311 P746c ] |
326 |
Calvinism and the philosophy of nature :the stone lectures delivered at Princeton in 1930 |
Valentine Hepp | Eerdmans | c1930 |
[ 284.2311 H529c ] |
327 |
Calvinism and the political order :essays prepared for the Woodrow Wilson Lectureship of the National Presbyterian Cente |
Hunt, George Laird. | Westminster Press | c1965 |
[ 284.226293 H941c ] |
328 |
Calvinism :an interpretation of its basic ideas |
Meeter, H. Henry, | Zondervan | 1939 |
[ 284.2311 M495c3 ] |
329 |
Calvinism, federalism, and scholasticism :a study of the reformed doctrine of covenant |
Strehle, Stephen, | P. Lang | c1988 |
[ 284.23129 S915c ] |
330 |
Calvinism in Europe, 1540-1610 : a collection of documents /cselected, translated and edited by Alastair Duke, Gillian L |
Duke, A. C. | Manchester University Press | c1992 |
[ 284.25 C168 ] |
331 |
Calvinism in Europe, 1540-1620 |
Pettegree, Andrew. | Cambridge University Press | 1994 |
[ 284.25 C168 ] |
332 |
Calvinism in France, Netherlands, Scotland, and England |
Gamble, Richard C. | Garland Pub | 1992 |
[ 284.224 C168 ] |
333 |
Calvinism in Switzerland, Germany, and Hungary |
Gamble, Richard C. | Garland | 1992 |
[ 284.224 C168 ] |
334 |
Calvinism in the Las Vegas Airport :making connections in today's world |
Mouw, Richard J. | Zondervan | c2004 |
[ 284.231 M934c ] |
335 |
Calvinism on the frontier, 1600-1660 :international Calvinism and the Reformed Church in Hungary and Transylvania |
Murdock, Graeme. | Clarendon Press | 2000 |
[ 284.2311 M974c ] |
336 |
Calvinism :pure and mixed, a defence of the Westminster standards |
Shedd, William Greenough Thayer, | Banner of Truth Trust | 1986 |
337 |
Calvinism 觀點에서 본 John Dewey 敎育哲學:宗敎觀,人間觀,倫理觀,敎育目的을 中心으로 |
박호영 | 고신대학 | 1986 |
[ 268 ㅂ582ㅋ ] |
338 |
Calvinist exiles in Tudor and Stuart England |
Grell, Ole Peter. | Brookfield, Vt., USA | c1996 |
[ 284.235 G825c ] |
339 |
Calvinist preaching and iconoclasm in the Netherlands, 1544-1569 |
Crew, Phyllis Mack, | Cambridge University Press | 1978 |
[ 284.232 C927c ] |
340 |
Calvinists and Libertines :confession and community in Utrecht, 1578-1620 /cBenjamin J. Kaplan |
Kaplan, Benjamin J. | Clarendon Press | 1995 |
[ 284.232 K17c ] |
341 |
Calvinjn |
Hugo, A.M. | J.B.Wolters | 1957 |
[ 284.226296 H895c ] |
342 |
Calvin kennen lernen |
Rohloff, Reiner. | Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht | 2008 |
[ 284.2253 C168r ] |
343 |
Calvin memorial addresses :delivered before the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the U.S. at First Presbyt |
Presbyterian Church in the U.S. | Solid Ground Christian Books | 2007 |
[ 284.222 P928c ] |
344 |
Calvin mystique :au cœur de la pensée du Réformateur |
Keller, Carl-A. | Labor et Fides | 2001 |
[ 284.2311 K29c ] |
345 |
Calvin on common grace |
Kuiper, Herman. | Oosterban & Le caintre | 1928 |
[ 284.226296 K96c ] |
346 |
Calvin on Scripture and divine sovereignty |
Murray, John, | Baker Book House | c1960 |
[ 284.22626 M982c ] |
347 |
Calvin on Scripture and divine sovereignty |
Murray, John, | Evangelical Press | 1979 |
[ 284.22626 M982c ] |
348 |
Calvin on Scripture and divine sovereignty |
Murray, John, | Baker Book House | c1960 |
[ 284.22626 M982c ] |
349 |
Calvin :origins and development of his religious thought /cFrancois Wendel ; translated by Philip Mairet |
Wendel, Francois. | Baker Books | 1997, c1963 |
[ 284.226 C168c ] |
350 |
Calvin, participation and the gift:The activity of believers in union with christ |
Billings, J. Todd | The faculty of Harvard Divinity School | 2007 |
[ 284.226251 B598c ] |
351 |
Calvin :revolutionary, theologian, paster |
Walker, Williston | Christian Focus | 2005 |
[ 284.2252 C168w ] |
352 |
Calvin's books :Festschrift dedicated to Peter De Klerk on the occasion of his seventieth birthday |
Neuser, Wilhelm H. | J.J. Groen | c1997 |
[ 284.224 C168n ] |
353 |
Calvin's Calvinism :a treatises on the eternal predestination of God & the secret providence of God |
Calvin, Jean, | Reformed Free Pub. Association | [1987?] |
[ 284.22322 C168c ] |
354 |
Calvin's catholic christology :the function of the so-called extra Calvinisticum in Calvin's theology |
Willis, Edward David. | E. J. Brill | 1966 |
[ 284.22622 W634c ] |
355 |
Calvin's Christology |
Edmondson, Stephen. | Cambridge University Press | 2004 |
[ 284.22622 E24c ] |
356 |
Calvin's commentary of Seneca's De Clementia |
Calvin, Jean, | E. J. Brill | 1969 |
[ 284.22322 C168c ] |
357 |
Calvin's concept of the law |
Hesselink, I. John, | Pickwick | c1992 |
[ 284.226296 H587c ] |
358 |
Calvin's corporate idea of mission |
Stevens, Carl David. | Westminster Theological Seminary | 1992 |
[ 266 S844c ] |
359 |
Calvin's doctrine of man |
Torrance, Thomas Forsyth, | Lutterworth Press | 1952 |
[ 284.22624 T688c ] |
360 |
Calvin's doctrine of man |
Torrance, Thomas Forsyth, | Wipf and Stock Publishers | 1997 |
[ 284.22624 T688c ] |
361 |
Calvin's doctrine of predestination |
Klooster, Fred H. | Baker Book House | c1977 |
[ 284.22627 K66c2 ] |
362 |
Calvin's doctrine of the Christian life |
Wallace, Ronald S. | Oliver & Boyd | 1959 |
[ 284.226291 W193c ] |
363 |
Calvin's doctrine of the Christian life |
Wallace, Ronald S. | Geneva Divinity School Press | c1982 |
[ 284.226291 W193c ] |
364 |
Calvin's doctrine of the church |
Milner, Benjamin Charles. | Brill | 1970 |
[ 284.22628 M659c ] |
365 |
Calvin's doctrine of the knowledge of God |
Parker, T. H. L. | W.B. Eerdmans | 1959 |
[ 284.22621 P243c ] |
366 |
Calvin's doctrine of the last things |
Quistorp, Heinrich. | Lutterworth Press | [1955] |
[ 284.226292 Q8c ] |
367 |
Calvin's doctrine of the state :a Reformed doctrine and its American trajectory, the Revolutionary War, and the founding |
Larson, Mark James, | Wipf and Stock | c2009 |
[ 284.231 L334c ] |
368 |
Calvin's doctrine of the word and sacrament |
Wallace, Ronald S. | Oliver & Boyd | 1953 |
[ 284.226282 W193c ] |
369 |
Calvin's doctrine of the work of Christ |
Jansen, John Frederick | J. Clark | [1956] |
[ 284.22622 J35c ] |
370 |
Calvin's doctrine of the work of Christ |
Jansen, John Frederick | James Clarke & Co | 1956 |
[ 284.22622 J35c ] |
371 |
Calvin's doxology :worship in the 1559 Institutes with a view to contemporary worship renewal |
Moeller, Pamela Ann, | Pickwick Publications | 1997 |
[ 284.226281 M693c ] |
372 |
Calvin's early writings and ministry |
Gamble, Richard C. | Garland | 1992 |
[ 284.224 C168 ] |
373 |
Calvin's ecclesiastical advice |
Calvin, Jean, | Westminster/John Knox Press | c1991 |
[ 284.22322 C168c ] |
374 |
Calvin's ecclesiology :sacraments and deacons |
Gamble, Richard C. | Garland | 1992 |
[ 284.224 C168 ] |
375 |
Calvin's economic and social thought |
Bieler, Andre?. | World Alliance of Reformed Churches, World Council of Churches | 2006, c2005 |
[ 284.231271 B586p ] |
376 |
Calvinseier 1936 |
Barth, Karl. | Chr. Kaiser Verlag | 1936 |
[ 284.226291 B284c ] |
377 |
Calvins Eingreifen in die Hexer- & Hexenprozesse von Peney, 1545, nach seiner Bedeutung fur Geschichte & Gegenwart :ein |
Pfister, Oskar Robert, | Artemis-Verlag | 1947 |
[ 284.2253 P529c ] |
378 |
3Calvin :sein lehren und kampfen |
Quervain, Alfred de, | Furche-verlag | 1926 |
[ 284.2253 Q4c ] |
379 |
Calvin, sein Weg und sein Werk |
Dankbaar, Willem F., | Neukirchener Verlag | 1959 |
[ 284.225393 D187c ] |
380 |
Calvin's epistemology :the conflect between authority and experience |
Stevenson, Paul Forrest. | California State University, Dominguez Hills, 1998 | |
[ 121 S847c ] |
381 |
Calvin's First Catechism :a commentary :featuring Ford Lewis Battles's translation of the 1538 Catechism |
Hesselink, I. John. | The Westminster John Konx | 1997 |
[ 284.226282 H587c ] |
382 |
Calvin's Geneva |
Monter, E. William. | Wiley | [1967] |
[ 270.7494 M778c ] |
383 |
Calvins Geschichtsauffassung |
Berger, Heinrich. | Zwingli-Verlag | 1955 |
[ 284.226296 B496c ] |
384 |
Calvin's Hermeneutic and the history of Christian Exegesis /cMichael Carl Armour |
Armour, Michael Carl | University of California | 1992 |
[ 230.42 A733c ] |
385 |
Calvin's institutes :abridged edition |
Calvin, Jean, | Westminster John Knox Press | c2001 |
[ 284.2233 C168c ] |
386 |
Calvins Lehre von der seiligung :tdargeftellt auf grund der tnftitutio, eregetifcher und bomiletifcher schriften |
Gohler, Alfred | Cbr. Raifer Derlag | c1934 |
[ 284.22625 C168g ] |
387 |
Calvins Lehre von Staat und Kirche :mit besonderer Berucksichtigung des Organismus gedankems |
Bohatec, Josef, | Scientia Verlag | 1968 |
[ 284.22628 C676c ] |
388 |
Calvins Menschlichkeit |
Stauffer, Richard, | EVZ-Verlag | 1964 |
[ 284.2253 S798h ] |
389 |
Calvin's New Testament commentaries |
Parker, T. H. L. | Westminster/John Knox Press | 1993 |
[ 284.22626 P243c2 ] |
390 |
Calvin's Old Testament commentaries |
Parker, T. H. L. | Westminster/John Knox Press | 1993 |
[ 284.22626 P243c ] |
391 |
Calvin's opponents |
Gamble, Richard C. | Garland | 1992 |
[ 284.224 C168 ] |
392 |
Calvin :Sources et Evolution de sa Pensee Religieuse |
Wendel, Francois | Presses Univ. de France | 1950 |
[ 284.226 C168w ] |
393 |
Calvin's perspective on the exaltation of Christ :in comparison with the post Reformation doctrine of the two states |
Hoogland, Marvin P. | J. H. Kok N. V | 1966 |
[ 284.22622 H779c ] |
394 |
Calvins staatsanschauung und das konfessionelle zeitalter |
Baron, Hans. | R. Oldenbourg | 1924 |
[ 284.226293 B265c ] |
395 |
Calvins theologische anschauung von der pradestination |
Otten, Heinz | Chr. Kaiser Verlag | 1938 |
[ 284.22627 O89c ] |
396 |
Calvins theologische Hermeneutik |
Opitz, Peter, | Neukirchener | c1994 |
[ 284.22626 O61c ] |
397 |
Calvin's theology :A study of its sources in classical antiquity |
Nuovo, Victor Lawrence | Columbia University | 1964 |
[ 230.42 N973c ] |
398 |
Calvin's Theology of Holiness :A stydy of the close connection between Calvin's doctrine of sanctification and Christian |
Shin, Kyoung Soo | University of Aberdeen | 2002 |
[ 284.2262 S556c ] URL : |
399 |
Calvin's theology of preaching :The activity of the Holy Spirit in the preaching event |
Christina, Craig Collier | The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary | 2001 |
[ 284.226281 C555c ] |
400 |
Calvin's theology of the Psalms |
Selderhuis, H. J., | Baker Academic | c2007 |
[ 284.22626 S464c ] |
401 |
Calvin's theology, theology proper, eschatology |
Gamble, Richard C. | Garland Pub | 1992 |
[ 284.224 C168 ] |
402 |
402 Calvin's thought on economic and social issues and the relationship of church and state |
Gamble, Richard C. | Garland Pub | 1992 |
[ 284.224 C168 ] |
403 |
403 Calvin-Studienausgabe |
Calvin, Jean, | Neukirchener | c1997 |
[ 284.22324 C168c ] |
404 |
404 Calvin-Studienausgabe |
Calvin, Jean, | Neukirchener | c1994 |
[ 284.22323 C168c ] |
405 |
405 Calvin-Studienausgabe |
Calvin, Jean, | Neukirchener | c1994 |
[ 284.22323 C168c ] |
406 |
406 Calvin-Studienausgabe |
Calvin, Jean, | Neukirchener | c1999 |
[ 284.22323 C168c v.3 ] |
407 |
407 Calvin-Studienausgabe |
Calvin, Jean, | Neukirchener | c1999 |
[ 284.22323 C168c ] |
408 |
408 Calvin studies :papers presented at a Colloquium on Calvin Studies at Davidson college presbyterian church and Davidson |
Leith, John H. | [n.p.] | 1982 |
[ 284.224 C168 ] |
409 |
409 Calvin studies :papers presented at the ninth colloquium on Calvin Studies:aDavidson college & davidson college prebyter |
Leith, John H. | [n.p.] | 1998 |
[ 284.224 C168 ] |
410 |
410 Calvin studies :presented at a Colloquium on Calvin Studies at Davidson college presbyterian church and Davidson college |
Leith, John H. | [n.p.] | |
[ 284.224 C168 ] |
411 |
Calvin studies :presented at a Colloquium on Calvin Studies at Davidson college presbyterian church and Davidson college |
Leith, John H. | [n.p.] | 1986 |
[ 284.224 C168 ] |
412 |
412 Calvin studies :presented at a Colloquium on Calvin Studies at Davidson college presbyterian church and Davidson college |
Leith, John H. | [n.p.] | 1988 |
[ 284.224 C168 ] |
413 |
413 Calvin studies :presented at a Colloquium on Calvin Studies at Davidson college presbyterian church and Davidson college |
Leith, John H. | [n.p.] | 1990 |
[ 284.224 C168 ] |
414 |
414 Calvin studies :presented at a Colloquium on Calvin Studies at Davidson college presbyterian church and Davidson college |
Leith, John H. | [n.p.] | 1988 |
[ 284.224 C168 ] |
415 |
415 Calvin studies :presented at a Colloquium on Calvin Studies at Davidson college presbyterian church and Davidson college |
Leith, John H. | [n.p.] | 1988 |
[ 284.224 C168 ] |
416 |
416 Calvin studies :presented at a Colloquium on Calvin Studies held January 26-27,1996 at Davidson college and the Davidson |
Leith, John H. | [n.p.] | 1996 |
[ 284.224 C168 ] |
417 |
417 Calvins Urteil uber sich selbst |
Busser, Fritz | Zwingli | 1950 |
[ 284.226 C168bc ] |
418 |
418 Calvins Wirken in Genf: Neu gepruft und in Einzelbildern dargestellt |
Pfisterer, Ernst | Neukirchen: Verlag der Buchhandlung des Erziehungsvereins | 1957 |
[ 284.2253 P529c ] |
419 |
419 Calvin's Wisdom:An Anthology Arranged Alphabetically by a Grateful Reader/Miller, J.Graham[auth.] |
Miller, J.Graham | The banner of Truth Trust | 1992 |
[ 284.22322 M647c ] |
420 |
420 Calvin's work in Geneva |
Gamble, Richard C. | Garland Pub | 1992 |
[ 284.224 C168 ] |
421 |
Calvin theological journal |
Calvin Theological Seminary. | Calvin Theological Seminary | 1966 |
[ 200.5 C585 ] |
422 |
422 Calvin theological journal :Calvin's bibliography |
| | |
[ 284.221 C168 ] |
423 |
423 Calvin theological journal :Calvin's bibliography |
| | |
[ 284.221 C168 ] |
424 |
424 Calvin theological journal :Calvin's bibliography |
| | |
[ 284.221 C168 ] |
425 |
425 Calvin :theological treatises |
Calvin, Jean, | Westminster Press | c1954 |
[ 284.22322 C168r ] |
426 |
426 Calvin, the Trinity, and the Divine-human relationship |
Butin, Philip Walker. | Duke University | 1991 |
[ 284.2261 B984c ] |
427 |
427 Calvin und Basel in den Jahren 1522-1556 |
Plath, Uwe. | Theologicher Verlag | 1974 |
[ 284.2263 C168p ] |
428 |
428 Calvin und das Recht |
Bohatec, Josef, | Buchdruckerei u. Verlagsanstalt | 1934 |
[ 284.226296 B676c ] |
429 |
429 Calvin und die Rechtfertigung :herzpunkte evangelischer Lehre nach Calvins Reformatorischem verstandnis |
Hauck, Wilhelm-Albert | Bertelsmann | 1938 |
[ 284.22625 H368c ] |
430 |
430 Calvin und Schleiermacher im Gesprach mit der Weltweisheit :bdas Verhaltnis von christlichem Wahrheitsanspruch und allge |
Werner, Ilka, | Neukirchener | c1999 |
[ 284.2263 I28c ] |
431 |
Calvinus catholicus :die katholische Calvinforschung im 20. Jahrhundert |
Scholl, Hans. | Herder | 1974 |
[ 284.221 C168sc ] |
432 |
432 Calvinus ecclesiae Genevensis custos :die Referate des Congre?s International des Recherches Calviniennes ... vom 6. bis |
International Congress on Calvin Research | P. Lang | c1984 |
[ 284.2311 I61i ] |
433 |
433 Calvinus oecumenicus |
Nijenhuis, W | Martinus Nijhoff | 1959 |
[ 284.22628 C168n ] |
434 |
434 Calvinus praeceptor Ecclesiae :papers of the International Congress on Calvin Research, Princeton, August 20-24, 2002 |
International Congress on Calvin Research | Droz | 2004 |
[ 284.224 I61c ] |
435 |
435 Calvinus reformator :his contribution to theology, church and society |
| Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education | 1982 |
[ 284.224 C168 ] |
436 |
436 Calvinus Sacrae Scripturae professor =Calvin as confessor of Holy Scriptures : die Referate des Congres international de |
International Congress on Calvin Research | W.B. Eerdmans | c1994 |
[ 284.224 I61c ] |
437 |
437 Calvinus sacrarum literarum interpres :papers of the International Congress on Calvin Research |
International Congress on Calvin Research | Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht | c2008 |
[ 284.221 I61c ] |
438 |
438 Calvinus sincerioris religionis vindex =Calvin as protector of the purer religion : die Referate des Congres internation |
International Congress on Calvin Research | Sixteenth Century Journal Publishers | c1997 |
[ 284.224 I61c ] |
439 |
439 Calvinus Theologus :d. Referate d. Congre<s Europ. de Recherches Calviniennes ... vom 16.-19. September 1974 in Amsterda |
European Congress on Calvin Research, | Neukirchener Verlag | 1976 |
[ 284.224 C168e ] |
440 |
440 Calvin wider die Neugierde :ein Beitrag zum Vergleich zwischen reformatorischem und patristischem Denken |
Meijering, E. P. | De Graaf | 1979 |
[ 284.226296 M512c ] |
441 |
Calvin의 敎育思想에 관한 硏究 =(The) Study of Calvin's Educational Thought |
박종영 | 朝鮮大學校 敎育大學院 | 1989 |
[ 284.226296 ㅂ494ㅋ ] |
442 |
442 'Calvin의 영성'에 대한 연구 |
박일규 | 총신대학 | 1994 |
[ 284.226296 ㅂ454ㅋ ] |
443 |
443 Calvin의 인간론을 통해 본 Hoekema의 인간론 연구 |
원일상. | 안양대학교 신학대학원 | 2004 |
[ 284.2263 ㅇ552ㅋ ] |
444 |
444 Canon law in the age of reform, 11th-12th centuries |
Gilchrist, J. T. | Variorum | c1993 |
[ 270.61 G467c ] |
445 |
445 Capito und Butzer, Strassburgs Reformatoren.Nach ihrem handschriftlichen briefschatze, ihren gedruckten schriften und an |
Baum, G., | R. L. Friderichs | 1860 |
[ 284.213 B347c ] |
446 |
446 Captive to the Word;Martin Luther, Doctor of Sacred Scripture |
Wood, Arthur Skevington. | W. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co | [1969] |
[ 284.14 W873c ] |
447 |
447 Captive to the Word:Martin Luther, Doctor of Sacred Scripture |
Wood, Arthur Skevington. | Eerdmans Pub. Co | 1969 |
[ 284.114 W873c ] |
448 |
448 Caritas Et Reformatio :essays on church and society in honor of Carter Lindberg |
Lindberg, Carter, | Concordia Academic Press | 2002 |
[ 270.6 L742c ] |
449 |
449 Caspar Olevian and the substance of the Covenant :the double benefit of Christ |
Clark, R. Scott. | Reformation Heritage Books | 2008 |
[ 284.2312 C594c ] |
450 |
450 Catechese en catechetische stof bij Calvijn |
Veer, Marinus Burcht van't. | J.H.Kok N.V | 1942 |
[ 284.226282 V419c ] |
451 |
Catholic and Reformed :the Roman and Protestant churches in English Protestant thought, 1600-1640 |
Milton, Anthony. | Cambridge University Press | 1995 |
[ 274.206 M662c ] |
452 |
452 C. E. Macartney의 改革主義 說敎神學 硏究 |
장창수. | 總神大學校 神學大學院 | 2004 |
[ 284.234 ㅈ198c ] |
453 |
453 Censorship and the Sorbonne :a bibliographical study of books in French censured by the Faculty of Theology of the Unive |
Higman, Francis M. | Droz | 1979 |
[ 270.744 H638c ] |
454 |
454 Charis :theologische opstellen aangeboden aan prof. dr. J. W. Maris bij zijn afscheid als hoogleraar aan de Theologische |
Baars, Arie | Groen | 2008 |
[ 284.2361 B111c ] |
455 |
455 Charles Hodge, the keeper of orthodoxy :the method, purpose and meaning of his apologetic |
Jones Charles Andrews, | Drew University | 1989 |
[ 230.51.092 J79c ] |
456 |
456 Charts of Reformation and Enlightenment church history |
Hannah, John D. | Zondervan | c2004 |
[ 270.602 H243c ] |
457 |
457 Choosing death :suicide and Calvinism in early modern Geneva |
Watt, Jeffrey R. | Truman State University Press | c2001 |
[ 284.2311 W345c ] |
458 |
458 Chrestiennes meditations |
Be<ze, The>odore de, | Droz | 1964 |
[ 284.2151 ] |
459 |
459 Christ and mystical uniona comparative study of the theologies of Bernard of Clairvaux and John Calvin |
Tamburello, Dennis E., | | 1990 |
[ 284.2263 T156c ] |
460 |
460 Christ and the decree :Christology and predestination in reformed theology from Calvin to Perkins |
Muller, Richard A. | Labyrinth Press | c1986 |
[ 284.22622 M958c ] |
461 |
Christ and the woman of Samaria :studies in art and piety in the age of the reformation |
McColl, Donald Alexander. | University of Virginia | 1996 |
[ 704.9484 M129c ] |
462 |
462 Christ, baptism, and the Lord's Supper :recovering the sacraments for evangelical worship |
Vander Zee, Leonard J., | InterVarsity Press | c2004 |
[ 284.226283 V228c ] |
463 |
463 Christentumsgeschichte II :von der Reformation bis zur Gegenwart |
Greschat, Martin. | Kohlhammer | 1997 |
[ 284.233 G831c ] |
464 |
464 Christian England |
Edwards, David Lawrence | William. B. Eerdmans | 1983 |
[ 270.742 E26c ] |
465 |
465 Christian faith as religion :a study in the theologies of Calvin and Schleiermacher |
Capetz, Paul E | University Press of America | c1998 |
[ 284.22625 C241c ] |
466 |
466 Christianity in England from Roman times tod the reformation |
Hylson-smith, Kenneth. | SCM Press | 1999 |
[ 270.742 H996c v.1 ] |
467 |
467 Christianity in England from Roman times tod the reformation |
Hylson-smith, Kenneth. | SCM Press | 2001 |
[ 270.742 H996c ] |
468 |
468 Christianity in the West, 1400-1700 |
Bossy, John. | Oxford University Press,1985 | |
[ 270.63 B746c ] |
469 |
469 Christianity's dangerous idea :the Protestant revolution-- a history from the sixteenth century to the twenty-first |
McGrath, Alister E., | HarperOne | c2007 |
[ 280.409 M478c ] |
470 |
470 Christian Rebellion Theories as delivered by ST. Paul from mars hill by Augustine, Calvin and Adams |
Hastings, Jason Michael. | The University of Lethbridge in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements | 2003 |
[ 284.2263 H357c ] |
471 |
Christian worship in Reformed Churches past and present |
Vischer, Lukas. | W.B. Eerdmans | c2003 |
[ 284.231271 V823c ] |
472 |
472 Christ in our place;the substitutionary character of Calvin's doctrine of reconciliation |
Van Buren, Paul. | Oliver and Boyd | [1957] |
[ 284.22622 V217c ] |
473 |
473 Christliches Leben nach Calvin |
Choi, Byung-Sup. | Korea Literature Society for Gospel | 1995 |
[ 284.231 C545c ] URL : |
474 |
474 Christ present in faith :Luther's view of justification /Tuomo Mannermaa ; edited and introduced by Kirsi Stjerna |
Mannermaa, Tuomo. | Kirsi Stjerna Fortress Press | c2005 |
[ 234.7092 M282c ] |
475 |
475 Christ's churches purely reformed :a social history of Calvinism |
Benedict, Philip. | Yale University Press | c2002 |
[ 284.231 B463c ] |
476 |
476 Christ the mediator :Calvin's eclectic Christology |
Edmondson, Stephen Bud. | Yale University | 1999 |
[ 232.8 E24c ] |
477 |
477 Christ the mediator of the law :Calvin's Christological understanding of the law as the rule of living and life-giving |
Moon, Byung-Ho. | Wipf & Stock | c2006 |
[ 284.22622 M818c ] |
478 |
478 Christus, de middelaar, bij Calvijn :Bijdrage tot de leer van de zekerheid des geloofs |
Schroten, Hendrik | N. V. Drukkerij P. Den Boer | 1948 |
[ 284.22622 S382c ] |
479 |
479 Christusgemeinschaft bei Johannes Calvin |
Kolfhaus, W. | Buchhandlung des erziehungsvereins Neukirchen | c1939 |
[ 284.22628 C168k ] |
480 |
480 Christusglaube und Gottesoffenbarung nach Calvin :ine reformatorische Antwort auf die Frage : Gottesglaube mit oder ohne |
Hauck, Wilhelm-Albert | Bertelsmann | 1939 |
[ 284.22625 H368c ] |
481 |
Christus praessens:word and history in the preaching of John Calvin and Friedrich Schleiermacher |
De Vries , Dawn | The University of Chicago | 1994 |
[ 284.2263 D278c ] |
482 |
482 Church and order :a reformed perspective |
Coertzen, P. | Peeters | 1998 |
[ 284.23127 C672c ] |
483 |
483 Church and society in England :Henry VIII to James I |
O'Day, Rosemary. | Macmillan | 1977 |
[ 270.742 O999c ] |
484 |
484 Church and state in Luther and Calvin |
Mueller, William A. | Broadman Press | [1954] |
[ 284.226293 M947c ] |
485 |
485 Church history :an introduction to research, reference works, and methods |
Bradley, James E., | Eerdmans | c1995 |
[ 270 B811c ] |
486 |
486 Civic Calvinism in northwestern Germany and the Netherlands :sixteenth to nineteenth centuries |
Schilling, Heinz. | Sixteenth Century Journal Publishers | c1991 |
[ 284.232 S334c ] |
487 |
487 Clack H. Pinnock's shift in his doctrine of biblical authority and reliability and analysis and critique |
Roennfeldt, Ray C. William. | Andrew University | 1990 |
[ 220.13 R715c ] |
488 |
488 Claritas scripturae bei Martin Luther |
Beisser, Friedrich. | Vandenhoeck u. Ruprecht | (1966) |
[ 284.114 B423c ] |
489 |
489 Clerical marriage and the English Reformation :precedent policy and practice |
Parish, Helen L. | Ashgate | c2000 |
[ 270.742 P233c ] |
490 |
490 Coena Domini :die altlutherische Abendmahlslehre in ihrer Auseinandersetzung mit dem Calvinismus, dargestellt an der lut |
Gollwitzer, Helmut. | Chr. Kaiser | 1988 |
[ 284.23 G626c ] |
491 |
C. Olevianns und B. Urhnus :Leben und ausgewahlte Schriften |
Sudhoff, Karl | Verlag von R.L. Friderichs | 1857 |
[ 284.21923 O45s ] |
492 |
492 Colloquium on Clavin & Calvin studies |
De Klerk, Peter. | Calvin Theological Seminary | 1976 |
[ 270.63 D328c ] |
493 |
493 Come out from among them |
Calvin, Jean, | Protestant Heritage | 2001 |
[ 284.22322 C168c ] |
494 |
494 Commentaar op Paulus' zendbrief |
Zanchius, D. Hieron | J.H.KOK | c1906 |
[ 284.21927 Z27cw ] |
495 |
495 Commentaries on the epistle to the romans 1532-1542 |
Parker, T.H.L. | T. & T. clark | 1986 |
[ 270.63 P252c ] |
496 |
496 Commentaries on the four last book of Moses arranged in the form of a harmony |
Calvin, Jean, | W.B. Eerdmans | [1947] |
[ 221.107 C168c ] |
497 |
497 Commentarii in Epistolas canonicas |
Calvin, Jean, | Librairie Droz | c1992 |
[ 284.2223 C168h v.2(20) ] |
498 |
498 Commentarii in Pauli Epistolas |
Calvin, Jean, | Librairie Droz | c1992 |
[ 284.2223 C168i v.2(16) ] |
499 |
499 Commentarii in secundam pauli epistolam ad corinthios |
Calvini, Ioannis | Librairie Droz | 1994 |
[ 284.2223 C168i ] |